What We Do
We help organizations develop and/or improve the value stream (Processes)
We help organizations implement the desired value stream
We help organizations monitor whether purpose, process, and people are aligned.
We conduct audits and formal evaluations of processes, always keeping the Gemba concept in mind – meaning we go to the actual location to observe with our own eyes. These “visits” provide a perspective on the overall state of a process. However, more important than obtaining a number that reflects the percentage of process compliance, the purpose of the visit should also be to identify potential areas for improvement and encourage team reflection on them.
We help clarify business indicators for each value stream. We support the creation of a model that ensures these indicators are shared, understood, and supported by the entire team involved in that value stream.

We help align process, purpose, and people

We conduct training sessions to align people with processes, ensuring they are well-equipped to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively. This also serves to align team members with any changes or updates to the process.
We help implement a culture of continuous improvement
We help organizations develop a 5S culture
Training in the fundamentals of the 5S methodology
We help organizations structure a 5S program and support its implementation and consolidation.